
David Clotworthy: A Star in the Making 戏剧制作的明星

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

In this week's edition of Student Blogs, we introduce Year 11 student David Clotworthy. Originally from New Zealand, David has been with Yew Chung International School of Beijing for 6 years, where - through his passion for drama - he's become one of the most well-liked and visible students on campus.

在本周的学生博客版中,我们介绍了11年级的学生David Clotworthy。来自新西兰的David已经在北京耀中国际学校学习生活了6年,他对戏剧的热爱使他成为了校园里最受欢迎最有见识的学生之一。

In speaking with David, he shares why he feels that the YCIS Beijing student community is so special, what he hopes to accomplish during the Year of the Dog, and offers advice for other students who are interested in getting involved in school performances as well.


The First Day of School


In September 2011, David and his family left New Zealand and arrived at their new home in Beijing on a Sunday afternoon. The next day, less than 24 hours after landing for the first time in China, David walked into YCIS Beijing to join a classroom full of new faces.


To read more of David's story, please click "Read More" below.


[STUDENT BLOG] Overcoming Shyness with Music 用音乐战胜羞怯

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